12:00 - 23:00
Moscow, Suschevskaya 9

The Tipsy Pub

Life is too short to drink сheap beer!
Among all the establishments operated by Pub Life Group, The Tipsy Pub stands out for its atmosphere of hearty coziness. First, this is a true local pub. From the day it opened and up to now, the same people come here as guests and the staff has not changed a lot either. Residents of nearby streets, such as Palikha, Seleznevskaya, Novoslobodskaya, and Dostoyevskogo, frequent this pub. Sometimes, for helping a guest who has had one too many to get a taxi, the pub´s managers even do not need to ask his address, since everyone knows each other. The heartful atmosphere may be described in the words of the VIII-century Chinese poetry classic Du Fu, "This place is so laid-back even the chickens and dogs forget to return home." Second, this pub stands out for its smart and cozy design. In the ground floor, you will find a classic Irish pub with presentable antique furniture and signs, while the upper level houses a modern and easygoing craft beer pub featuring a bicycle on the wall, a stained-glass window looking out on a street planted with poplars, and pretty barmaids behind the tall bar. The food served on both floors does not differ, being absolutely and even unbelievably delicious. For instance, all ten burger alternatives vary not only in their sidings but also in the patties. Every day the pub's cooks prepare ten variants of ground meet for the tastiest burgers in the area or possibly in the entire city of Moscow.

The Tipsy Pub offers fifty brands of craft beer, more than twenty sorts of wine served by the glass, and thirty "classic" beer brands available in its Irish part. On Fridays, you can listen to live performances of the singer-songwriter Vanya Zhuk. During these shows, it is not out of the ordinary to sing along and make requests. The music list includes European and American greatest hits of the last three decades from Bob Dylan to Oasis and back. On all other days of the week, The Tipsy Pub is, without any exaggeration, an ideal place for meeting with friends, easy conversations that may flow far into the night, and small-scale celebrations. Please note that while planning you visit, it makes sense to call us and ask if the Italian football team Juventus plays a game on that day. The matter is that local Juventus fan have honored us with making The Tipsy Pub their unofficial headquarters. On the days when their team plays, you will have to be prepared for ear-splitting sounds of horns, yells of joy, and countless flags. Members of the local Juventus fan club cheer with such frenetic enthusiasm as if all the eleven Juventus players on the TV screen could see and hear them.

Among all the establishments operated by Pub Life Group, The Tipsy Pub stands out for its atmosphere of hearty coziness. First, this is a true local pub. From the day it opened and up to now, the same people come here as guests and the staff has not changed a lot either. Residents of nearby streets, such as Palikha, Seleznevskaya, Novoslobodskaya, and Dostoyevskogo, frequent this pub. Sometimes, for helping a guest who has had one too many to get a taxi, the pub´s managers even do not need to ask his address, since everyone knows each other.
The heartful atmosphere may be described in the words of the VIII-century Chinese poetry classic Du Fu, "This place is so laid-back even the chickens and dogs forget to return home." Second, this pub stands out for its smart and cozy design. In the ground floor, you will find a classic Irish pub with presentable antique furniture and signs, while the upper level houses a modern and easygoing craft beer pub featuring a bicycle on the wall, a stained-glass window looking out on a street planted with poplars, and pretty barmaids behind the tall bar. The food served on both floors does not differ, being absolutely and even unbelievably delicious. For instance, all ten burger alternatives vary not only in their sidings but also in the patties. Every day the pub's cooks prepare ten variants of ground meet for the tastiest burgers in the area or possibly in the entire city of Moscow.

The Tipsy Pub offers fifty brands of craft beer, more than twenty sorts of wine served by the glass, and thirty "classic" beer brands available in its Irish part. On Fridays, you can listen to live performances of the singer-songwriter Vanya Zhuk. During these shows, it is not out of the ordinary to sing along and make requests. The music list includes European and American greatest hits of the last three decades from Bob Dylan to Oasis and back. On all other days of the week, The Tipsy Pub is, without any exaggeration, an ideal place for meeting with friends, easy conversations that may flow far into the night, and small-scale celebrations. Please note that while planning you visit, it makes sense to call us and ask if the Italian football team Juventus plays a game on that day. The matter is that local Juventus fan have honored us with making The Tipsy Pub their unofficial headquarters. On the days when their team plays, you will have to be prepared for ear-splitting sounds of horns, yells of joy, and countless flags. Members of the local Juventus fan club cheer with such frenetic enthusiasm as if all the eleven Juventus players on the TV screen could see and hear them.
Caesar salad with shrimps
Marble Burger
"Buffalo" wings

Moscow, Suschevskaya 9
Phone: +7 (495) 636 29 02

12:00 - 23:00

Moscow, Suschevskaya 9
Phone: +7 (495) 636 29 02

12:00 - 23:00

